John Hardy

Director of Marketing Sourcing
The Walt Disney Company

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining John.

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Strengthening Internal and External Collaborative Relationships

Sunday, February 5th, 2017

08:55 Keynote Presentation: What Are the Best Ways to Interact with Groundbreaking Marketing Start-Ups to Drive Innovation?

Navigating the marketing start-up landscape can be quite a challenge. As marketers want the newest and shiniest toys, procurement wants to make sure that proper vetting is done to ensure the best investment of marketing dollars. How do you find these new companies, where do they congregate and in what type of business hubs? How can marketing and procurement leverage the freelance and start up marketplace to drive ROI and save money in the process?
• Rethinking marketing procurement’s role in fostering these emerging types of relationships – how best to position your involvement with marketing and other stakeholders to ensure maximum effectiveness
• Overcoming internal business inhibitors to working with start-ups - the key processes and contract amendments necessary to allow agile yet secure partnerships
• Contract provisions necessary to ensure you’re protected if a start-up gets hacked, goes out of business, or is acquired by a much larger company

14:00 Presentation: Can Programmatic Buying Be Brought In-House?

Programmatic is gaining momentum and evolving from the basics of how it works to whether agencies and advertisers can maximize the advantages by taking the process in-house. Concerns around cost, expertise, and technology are still top of mind, but how can these obstacles be overcome?
  • Defining the objectives of a successful programmatic campaign
  • Key areas of focus when going in-house, and the first steps to take
  • Creating a roadmap that is scalable in the future and effective in the short term
  • How is success defined and measured?
  • Defining the most relevant metrics: CPA, CPM, ROAS, Conversion, Retention

16:50 Ask the Speakers: Interactive Roundtable Discussions

Have a lingering question you weren’t able to ask the speakers during the day? This is your opportunity to get them answered. All presenters from the day will be on hand to host a more in-depth discussion on their presentation topic. You’ll have the opportunity to select 2 topics, rotating after 30 minutes.

Have your questions ready for:
Jennifer Murasky, Director - Indirect Sourcing, External Manufacturing, and Shared Services, Pharmavite LLC
Henrik Johansson, CEO & Co-Founder, Boundless
John Hardy, Director, Marketing Sourcing, The Walt Disney Company
Martin Albrecht, Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Crossmedia
Michael Tiffany, CEO, White Ops
Petros Paranikas, Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group
Diane Gibbons, Director, Global Procurement, Pfizer
Charles Cantu, CEO, Huddled Masses